In Ray Bradbury's 1952 short story, A Sound Louder Than Thunder, hunters of the future time travel to the prehistoric past to hunt T-Rexes. During the hunt, one hunter accidentally... read more →
I heard the high-pitched screech of the red-tailed hawk. Normally I would look up to catch sight of the hawk, but today I searched the sky below me. I was... read more →
The turnoff into the parking lot is barely noticeable. A quick turn off Highway One north of Cayucos built for an earlier time. A time of horse-drawn wagons, fewer and... read more →
Solo or group hiking is a frequently debated argument within the hiking community. Both hiking styles have benefits and downsides to be explored. Over the years I have heard the... read more →
Whether it be a mountain hike, a national park camping trip or simply sitting on a log in the middle of a meadow, we gain a sense of calm, perhaps... read more →
So much more than a delicate wildflower, this plant deserves its four names: ‘wavy leaf soap plant,” “soap root,” “amole,” and Chlorogalum pomeridianum or “afternoon blooming green milk.” And it’s... read more →
I am not a professional botanist; however, I have always had a fascination for botanics. As a biology major of Cal Poly, I took several botany classes with Dr. Kiel... read more →
It was announced Thursday morning, April 30, that the closures do not pertain to SLO County. Gov. Gavin Newsom made the correction that all Orange County beaches will close starting... read more →