Sponsor Recognition


Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Central Coast State Parks Association depends on partnerships within our community to sustain and enhance our Central Coast treasures. We recognize that we could not continue to fund educational efforts and foster the stewardship of our natural and cultural resources in our local State Parks without the generous help of corporate funding. We are extremely grateful to our business and corporate partners who play a vital part in making our mission possible. With your help, CCSPA will continue to underwrite educational programs such as volunteer-led hikes, school field trips, and the Mind Walk lecture series, and to sustain efforts to preserve species of concern like the western monarch butterfly and the black oystercatcher.

Please visit the links below to learn more about these generous supporters.

Want to become a sponsor of CCSPA and help support State Park programming? Contact Executive Director, Kristin Howland at ed@centralcoastparks.org or (805) 548-0392 to discuss corporate sponsorship opportunities. Or, click the button below to become a sponsor today.

Become a Sponsor Now

Keystone Sponsors

CCSPA was one of five recipients of Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s (PG&E’s) 2022 Better Together Nature Positive Innovation Grant! This incredible gift of $100,000 will provide free transportation for low-income school groups to visit three Central Coast State Park locations, where they will participate in guided educational programs led by State Park staff. Our goal, in collaboration with CA State Parks, is to inspire our next generation of environmental stewards. PG&E’s grant gives us the opportunity to bring those future environmental stewards into our beautiful parks and deepen their connections with our precious land and water resources.

California State Parks Foundation has been the leading statewide voice in advocating for parks and people, protecting the best of California for future generations. Their grant funding has allowed CCSPA to contribute to the protection of the western monarch butterfly, visitor accessible and education at the Pismo State Beach Monarch Grove.

Park’s California grant funding has improved the accessibility and equitably of the Morro Bay State Park experience. Through the Adventure Pass grant CCSPA and SLO Coast District were able to eliminate transportation costs and provide meaningful coastal experiences for 4th graders and their families from 2022 to 2024.

Thomas E. and Mary Kathryn Elzroth Fund

Event Sponsors

cm creative blk
RRM Design Group
Coastal Awakening
Sunshine Heallth Foods and Cafe


Thomas E. and Mary Kathryn Eltzroth – Mind Walks Program