Los Osos Oaks State Natural Reserve

Los Osos Oaks State Natural Reserve

Los Osos Oaks State Natural Reserve protects a 90-acre grove of dwarfed, 800-year-old coast live oaks in an ancient dune habitat. This centuries-old oakwoodland protects an unusual variety of plants, animals and biotic communities. Here, coast live oak trees rarely grow more than six to eight feet tall but elsewhere they can grow to 25 feet in height. The moss-draped, fantastically gnarled trees enchant hikers and visitors. In 1769, Gaspar de Portola’s expedition passed through the Los Osos Valley. Father Crespi’s diary notes that the expedition saw “troops of bears (osos)” in the valley, and it has since been known as the Los Osos Valley. Click here to access the State Parks webpage.

Photos: Joe Decruyenaere/Flickr